keywords title

Public Service Media
Case studies

Sørensen, J.K. (2010) The Paradox of Personalisation - Public Service Broadcasters' Approaches to Media Personalisation Technologies. PhD dissertation submitted to the University of Southern Denmark, Media Science at Institute for Literature, Culture and Media

attention economy
narrative economy
Public Service Media
Case study: MitDR

Sørensen, J.K. (2008) PSM and Media Personalisation – a Conflict? Conference paper presented at the RIPE@2008 conference, Mainz, Germany, October 9 - 11, 2008.

attention economy
Public Service Media
Public Value
Case study: MitDR

Sørensen, J.K. (2008) Are Media Personalisation and Public Value compatible? Working paper written for IAMCR 2008, Stockholm, July 2008

user profiles

Public Service Media

Sørensen, J.K. (2007) Public Service Broadcasters and User Profiles. Working paper presented at NordMedia 2007 conference, Helsinki.
user centered development Larsen, J. E., Sørensen, L., Sørensen, J. K. Schultz, N. (2007) MOBILE PROBING KIT: User centered development of personal networks services and applications. 16th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2007. Budapest, Hungary, 1-5 July 2007.
cognitive impact of interaction design Sørensen, J.K. (2007) Note om Microsoft Project i brug. En interaktionsdesign analyse. Rapport i.fb.m. Ph.d. projektstyringskursus, HCAF, SDU marts 2007. (essay in Danish)
user centered development J. K. Sørensen, J. E. Larsen, S. E. Tan & N. Schultz (2006) User participation in the development of mobile Personal Network services Proceedings of 3rd International CICT Conference: Mobile and wireless content, services and networks. CICT, DTU, Denmark 2006
structural design of user profiles H. Olesen, A. Hammershøj, E. Heinze, C. Xu, J. Sørensen, S. Bessler, J. Zeiss, D. Kyriazanos, C. Patrikakis, G. Nikolakopoulos, H. Thuvesson, A. Cimmino, P. Ceccherini, M. Frecassetti , R. Olsen, N. Prasad, M. Imine, M. Bauer, F. Armknecht, J. Hoebeke, I. Moerman, K. Masmoudi, M. Girod Genet, D. Zeghlache (2006) The conceptual structure of user profiles Deliverable 1.2.1 in IST-project MAGNET Beyond IST-507102
cognitive impact of interaction design Sørensen, J. K. (2006) Out of category – beyond Common Sense Information Architecture. Essay on Richard Rorty's two philosophical positions - the "Ironist" and "Common sense" person - applied on interaction design, information architecture and web design. Published at "Bitconomy":
facilitation of design processes, design games Sørensen, J. K. (2006) FilmTrain in the Visionpool - introducing and evaluating a tool for creative problem solving 
Paper evaluating the usage of the collaborative creative idea development tool Visionpool. The paper evaluates Visionpool as it was employed at the EU-Inter-reg project "FilmTrain" november 2004: Visionpool_at_FilmTrain_v4
facilitation of design processes, design games Sørensen, J. K. (2005) The development of a visual design tool: VisionPool Proceedings of  The First Nordic Design Research Conference, May 29 – 31 2005, Copenhagen Denmark.
Published at:
cognitive impact of interaction design Sørensen, J. K. (2005) Experience_Interaction_and_dramaturgy.doc Workshop position paper for DAC 2005: Digital Experience: Design, Aesthetics, Practice
dramaturgical problems of interactive narratives Sørensen, J. K. (2004) "Hvorfor er film ikke interaktive?" (unpublished) (only in Danish version)
soundart Sørensen, J. K. (1998) Lyd/Galleri - en status Dansk Musik Tidsskrift Årgang / Hæfte No.: 1998-1999 - 03 Side: 94 - 96 (in Danish)
design theory

Ehn P., Löwgren J., Sørensen, J. K. (2003) "Som en fågel i Skogen" Documentary film / report / documentation of a retrospective conference on Donald A. Schön's work and thoughts about reflecting practitioners. Jannick Sørensen: editing. Published by Malmö University.